If you’re looking for a fun way to enjoy your weekend, why not scope out some of the best amusement parks in Florida?
Unlike your standard amusement parks, such as Disneyworld, these parks offer up something entirely unique…
Updated 2/10/2020 – Scattered between their rides, slides and obstacle courses are spirits.
Yes, all ten of the amusement parks on this list are known to be haunted by paranormal entities. So what are you waiting for?
Grab your friends, and be sure to bring a camera…you never quite know when and where a ghost will turn up at any of these haunted amusement parks.
The Best Amusement Parks In Florida To Spot A Ghost
10) Diagon Alley – Orlando
Calling all Harry Potter fans!
Diagon Alley has been rated one of the best theme parks in Florida—even if you have never read the books or seen the movies.
Jump on a virtual roller coaster ride through Gringotts, or stop by Ollivanders to purchase your very own wand.
Interested in the Dark Arts?
Check out the Borgin and Burkes shop…just be weary of a shadow person who likes to hang out in the store…
He has been known to attack and hiss at unsuspecting tourists.
9) Jungle Island – Miami
Of all the Florida theme parks, Jungle Island is one of the most unique.
Enjoy a one on one experience with a beautiful animal, such as a sloth or a lemur.
Attend a bird show, and learn everything you can about various animals throughout the world.
If you’re here in the later afternoon, be on the lookout for the ghost of a little girl by the kangaroos.
Rumor has it that she was too sick to visit Jungle Island while she was alive, and now haunts the place after her death.
Do not try to approach her!
If you try to touch her, chances are you will become violently ill afterward.
8) Zoom Air – Daytona Beach

zoom air/yelp
There are many Florida amusement parks, and Zoom Air in Daytona Beach offers something you won’t in many other places.
The park offers three courses for you to try, including a very challenging zip line course, complete with tight rope walking and swings.
As you cool off at the refreshment stand, keep your wits about you…
Recently, people have begun to report seeing strange orbs circulating around the park.
While the orbs themselves are too high up to come into contact with, those who have seen them have experienced bizarre lapses in time throughout the remainder of the day.
7) Fun Station – Tallahassee
Fun Station is a great place to spend a Friday night with the whole family.
Enjoy a competitive round of mini golf, or take turns at the batting cages.
Those of you who are interested in ghosts should explore the laser tag room…
Several visitors have reported seeing a chilling apparition climb up onto the ceiling of the room while they were playing.
They have said that if you make eye contact with the spirit, it will stretch its jaw out wide and scream at you until you leave the room.
Unfortunately, reviews over the past year haven’t been that great, and it would seem this place isn’t in that great of repair anymore… but the ghosts don’t seem to mind, in fact, as the condition of the park declines, the reports of hauntings seem to increase.
6) WonderWorks – Panama City Beach
For those of you who are looking to spend time with family or friends doing something athletic and unique, look no further than WonderWorks in Panama City.
This park has a ton of interactive exhibits and games to try out.
The highlight?
A whole floor dedicated to an obstacle course made out of ropes.
Race your siblings, or test your ability on this extensive and fun-filled obstacle course.
As you climb, stay alert if you see a black mass floating around beneath you…
Rumor has it that it is a poltergeist who likes to make people fall and hurt themselves while on the course.
Do your best to try to not let it scare you!
5) Busch Gardens – Tampa
Tampa’s Busch Gardens is considered one of the best amusement parks in Florida—and with good reason.
Experience a crazy adrenaline rush as you ride their rollercoasters, such as Falcon’s Fury.
Or feed some kangaroos in Pantopia.
There is a train that takes you to all different sections of the park, and if you ride it, be sure to look into the animal habitats along the way…
Chances are you may see the apparition of a young man wandering between them.
The man has been reported to not have any eyes, and his mouth appears to be sewn up as well.
4) Sam’s Fun City – Pensacola
Sam’s Fun City is an ideal place to go if you’re looking for a fun place to spend time with your little ones.
There are a ton of kid-oriented rides, a train, as well as a bouncy house that kids love to spend time on.
If your children need to use the restroom, be sure to accompany them every time…
Recently, a few guests have reported seeing the apparition of a little boy crying by the restroom entrances.
When one woman approached the little boy, he bit her on the arm.
The woman later reported that her skin turned black all around the wound, and doctors could not provide a definitive explanation as to why.
3) Adventure Landing & Shipwreck Island Water Park – Jacksonville Beach
Adventure Landing in Jacksonville is one of the best water parks in Florida, whether you’re there with kids or looking for a fun time yourself.
Not only are there numerous water slides to enjoy, but the park offers go-karts, and a mini golf course as well.
Do you consider yourself a video game pro? You will want to scope out the arcade.
Try not to be alarmed if you feel an unseen hand touch your neck, or a disembodied voice whisper in your ear…The arcade is known to be haunted by a strange, invisible entity that will try to distract you from whatever game you play.
2) K1 Speed – Hollywood, FL
Looking for fun things to do in Florida?
Do you also enjoy racing?
K1 Speed is definitely for you.
This high speed go-kart park is a great place to spend the afternoon with friends or a date, especially for those who like to be competitive.
Waiting for the next race?
No problem.
Enjoy a round of pool and explore items for sale in the gift shop.
A few visitors have claimed to have seen a red apparition stand in the middle of the course while they raced.
They said that the apparition kept running onto the track, purposefully causing people to falter as they drove.
1) Universal Islands of Adventure – Orlando
Islands of Adventure has many amazing rides to offer, from the Hulk roller coaster, to the Spider-Man 4D ride.
Have young kids?
They will definitely enjoy the world of Dr. Seuss!
Just be wary if your kids start to speak of a little girl who speaks to them when you aren’t looking…
Rumor has it that a demonic entity, pretending to take the form of an invisible friend, will try to speak with your children and persuade them to put a small black box in their pocket.
Nobody is sure what this box contains, but whatever it is, it can’t be good.
Have you visited any of these theme parks?
What did you experience?
Tell us in the comments below.