There’s so much to choose from when looking for the best bike trails in Texas and you’d be forgiven if you said that you had no idea about the more sinister, haunted locations.
Evil sprites with gnashing teeth, a red-eyed demon who likes to push people and many other nasty spirits lurk around these trails.
Updated 2/11/2020 – You could try to protect yourself by wearing your crucifix or carrying rosaries, but it would be to no avail, as these terrifying entities have motivations not easily understood by the pure of heart.
Do you dare to try and test your mettle on these haunted trails or would you prefer to stay away and preserve your soul?
10 Most Terrifying Haunted Bike Trails in Texas
10) Brushy Creek Regional Trail, Round Rock – Cedar Park

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Many believe that animalistic spirits like to bite people here.
Locals warn that not only do these nasty forest sprites bite, they infect their victim’s minds with strange hallucinations.
A young woman advises that she thought she’d been bitten by a spider, but when she looked down she saw a creepy little monster clinging to her leg.
She and her friends were all attacked that day, but they were afraid that people who enjoy biking trails wouldn’t believe them.
Apparently the hallucinations that follow are extreme, terrifying and bloodthirsty.
One older man thought he was going insane after being bitten – seeing demons tearing into his flesh with daggers for teeth.
9) Buck Creek Trail, Buck Creek RV Park – Abilene

This quaint trail offers a lot to riders, if you call being assaulted by evil spirits fun and games.
Reports state the stone bridge over the creek on this trail harbors a host of nasty ghosts.
Witnesses advised the feeling of goosebumps and escalated fear when approaching and riding over the bridge.
One retired fireman reports how he was riding on his own, when he started feeling total dread.
As soon as he began crossing the bridge he noticed several shadow people flying out from underneath.
He pedaled as fast as he could but he felt them right behind him for hours afterwards.
It took ages to shake the feeling of dread off.
8) Davis Mountains Trails, Davis Mountains State Park – Fort Davis
There are disturbing reports of the sound of crying babies along this trail, considered one of the best Texas trails.
They are mostly linked with female riders.
Several women have advised that the cries can only be heard early in the morning or early evening, stating that the occasional shrieks and screams are horrifying and haunting.
Witnesses say that at first it sounds like the cries are coming from far off, but as you travel on they seem to get closer and closer.
No one knows what they are or where they come from, however one woman said she nearly had a heart attack when one scream happened close to her ear, making her fall off her bike and scraping her knee badly.
7) Yellow Trail, Memorial Park – Houston
An unknown woman was drowned in the nearby lake.
Some locals tell of a sinister tale, where an evil man strangled her and tossed her lifeless body into the water.
It’s believed that the spirit of the woman has a score to settle, but she only appears to men travelling solo on this trail.
Reports state that she will appear anywhere on the trail.
First you’ll hear calls for help and when you see her, she looks like a woman drenched from head to foot.
The most terrifying thing is the fact that her face has been rotted away.
All who have seen her have raced away in total horror, never waiting to find out what she’ll do.
6) Trinity Trail, Fort Worth Branch, Fort Worth
A creepy stalker from beyond the grave has nothing better to do than to terrorize visitors to Trinity Trail, according to reports from witnesses and some of those who enjoy Texas bike rides.
Looking like a crouching demon in a tattered raincoat, locals say he often is seen darting between the trees – dirty and laughing like a maniac.
Sometimes he seems to be deliberately hiding but other times he races out from behind a tree without warning.
His dark eyes and slack-jawed expression make him look like a raving lunatic, but when he smiles his sinister motivations are obvious.
Many advise that he can even steal your soul if you dare to get close enough.
5) Lake Mineral Wells State Trailway, Lake Mineral Wells State Park – Mineral Wells
No one likes to talk about the monster in the mist, for fear of being considered crazy, however locals say that a strange mist rises up from the local waterways and floats for long distances.
One rider told of the time he was traveling along the trail when a mist suddenly appeared out of nowhere, growing exponentially.
He didn’t think much of it until it grew thick and dark.
Soon he had to stop as he couldn’t see the trail anymore, but what he did see was a large, black mass moving towards him.
Thinking quickly, he dumped his bike and ran.
After a while, he turned around and saw that the mist was gone, even though he heard a creepy growl right next to him.
4) Armand Bayou Hike and Bike Trail, Armand Bayou – Pasadena

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Considered a wonderful trail – apart from the trail bridge at the Big Island Slough Recreation Area.
Witnesses report seeing a demon child with glowing red eyes under the bridge when the sun starts to set.
One rider said she stopped one afternoon to take some pictures, but her blood soon ran cold.
She saw the boy but he didn’t appear in her photos.
Going for a closer look, she heard evil giggling and then he disappeared.
When she got close to the edge, she was pushed from behind and went head first into the water.
She was horrified when she saw him looking up at her from the depths, reporting that she’ll never go back.
3) Forest Oaks Park Trails, Forest Oaks Park – Spring
Witnesses report of a siren calling when riding this trail.
A heavenly voice that’s impossible to ignore comes winding down the trails, entrancing everyone in its path.
Some have even abandoned their bikes to follow the siren song.
The thing is – according to one male witness – the best thing to do is ride away fast.
Apparently the voice belongs to a creature far from lovely, although he can’t put his finger on it.
When he followed the voice he found a small, mutated entity.
He was thrilled, until it ran up to him spitting a mucus-like substance in his face.
2) The Aztec Cave Trail, Franklin Mountains State Park – El Paso

Anyone stopping to check out the caves on the Aztec Cave trail will have a horrifying experience, if the locals are to be believed.
Some say that an ancient evil lurks inside these mountains in Texas, in the form of a feathered reptile.
It apparently starts with hissing and guttural growling, but then the dust starts billowing up.
A few ultralight hikers report how the dust clouds reveal several cavorting entities dancing around the reptilian shadow figure, who imprints visions of torture and cannibalism in the minds of those who enter the caves.
One woman says that she lost her appetite for meat after her terrifying encounter and will never shake off the horror of that day.
1) Hike and Bike Trail, Erwin Park – McKinney
Some believe that demons live in the scrub along the trails here.
Reports of tires being inexplicably slashed and lower legs being scratched deeply are among the scary stories surrounding this trail.
A young mother tells how she had to explain why her toddler received terrible lacerations when visiting this location.
She advises that the hospital staff actually made her speak to children’s protective services as she was being considered as an abuser.
She was somewhat relieved when her little daughter told the nurse that a little devil came out and scratched her with red claws, although she continues to have nightmares to this day.