These educational institutions offer a wide range of excellent programs, great facilities and brilliant educators.
Some of them are considered the best colleges in Texas, so it might come as a surprise to learn that these establishments unwittingly house entities who don’t have people’s best interests at heart – if they ever had a heart.
Updated 2/11/2020 – Going to school should be an exciting venture, without the fear of ghostly attachments, evil possessions or frightening attacks, but paranormal phenomena happens everywhere and knows no bounds.
Read on to discover the variety of spooky experiences to be had in Texas’ finest colleges and universities.
10) North Central Texas College – Gainesville
With knowledgeable professors, a low stress atmosphere, caring staff and budget friendly campus food, North Central Texas College is one of the great choices in Texas colleges.
If you’re interested in the arts though, watch out for the disgruntled ghost who waits to once again have his place in the spotlight.
No one knows if it’s a past student who haunts the Center for Performing Arts, but he’ll do his best to possess you for one more chance of glory.
A feeling of butterflies in the stomach is normal for nerves before a performance, but when it escalates to whole-body pins and needles, you’ve lost the battle.
9) University of St Thomas – Houston
Considered an excellent university, they offer dozens of majors and a growing number of graduate programs, bustling student activity with over 70 student organizations and a variety of traditional buildings.
Be careful when you visit the Chapel of St Basil though, where an angry soul waits to judge you.
Some say it’s the spirit of St Basil, who was quite pious in his day and loved to work with the poor, but was very judgmental and holier than thou.
He hates prostitutes and thieves, so make sure your soul is pure before stepping foot inside the Chapel – or he’ll damn you to Hell.
8) West Texas A&M University – Canyon
This University boasts a variety of social events, great professors, top notch security and a tightly knit community with a wonderful aquatic center – which is where an evil entity lies in wait for unsuspecting swimmers – for the chance to grab their ankles and drag them down.
Some say they’ve felt slimy hands snatching at their flesh while they swim underwater.
Occasionally, there’s a glimpse of the hideous creature, toothless and demonic – scary enough until you feel what seem to be hungry tentacles on your flesh.
Hopefully the horror won’t make it one of the worst colleges in Texas.
7) San Antonio College – San Antonio
Wondering – which college should I go to? San Antonio College is affordable, located downtown, has great programs and professors, along with modern facilities and a fun, educational Planetarium.
While it might be fun for some, others say that it’s haunted by a spirit from another dimension.
From tame phenomena like flickering lights to feelings of dizziness and nausea, you might be forgiven for blaming it on something you ate.
It’s believed that there’s an entity who wants to steal souls like a hungry ghost whose ravenous appetite might leave you in a perpetual zombie state.
6) Rice University – Houston
Ironically, Rice University is favored by some of the junior colleges in Texas, in terms of wanting to strive for the same level of happy students, diversity, inclusiveness, beautiful buildings and surroundings.
With a large stadium, it also has a great library – which is where a nasty spirit resides.
People have reported seeing books fly off the shelves, hearing creepy hissing and whispering, as well as a feeling of dread when alone in any of the aisles – especially at night.
If you feel a rough tug on your clothes, your hair being pulled or a sinister voice taunting you, get out.
5) Richland College – Dallas
Considered one of the best colleges in Texas, Richland College in Dallas, offers high tech, a beautiful campus, ten fields with stadium seating, great diversity and excellent teachers.
Another feature is the lake.
While it’s pretty to look at and nice for a picnic, there is a sinister presence lurking under the surface.
Some say that if you walk around the lake after dark, you’ll be followed by the tortured spirit.
Run if you hear or see ripples close by, as she likes to leap out when you least expect it.
4) University of Houston – Houston
The University of Houston is a spacious campus with a small, yet tightly knit community.
There’s highly ranked science labs, clean dorms, plenty of lounge areas and big screen TVs.
There’s also bowling in the Recreation and Wellness Center, but you might want to keep your visits during the day.
Two spirits haunt the Center: an older woman who is good and an evil, younger man with nefarious intentions.
Believed to be mother and son, they appear late at night, sometimes confused with janitors.
The female does her best to restrain the male, who follows students to the bathroom for a surprise attack.
3) Galveston College – Galveston
Students love this college, for its caring professors, small class sizes, cheap tuition and its focus on the medical field – especially in regards to nursing.
It’s no surprise then, that the apparition of a surly nurse is seen haunting the walkway of the Regents Hall.
Thought of as a den mother with fangs, this nurse is far from concerned with healing.
In contrast, she seeks out weak-willed students and people who cross her radar who might fall below her high standards.
She enjoys pinching flesh hard and digging her talon-like nails into unsuspecting victims – just for fun.
2) Houston College of Law – Houston
Located downtown, this proud college is the place to study for those who want a career in Law.
With an extensive library and amazing professors with military backgrounds, it’s a small but cozy establishment.
Then there’s the bell in the foyer, which some say houses a belligerent ghost.
It is believed that if you ever enter the foyer on your own and hear the bell toll, the reverberations will get stuck in your veins, making you ripe for future attachments by evil spirits.
This ghost is a kind of recruiter, sensing weak people for infiltration, in order to prime them for paranormal attack.
1) The University of Texas – Austin
The University of Texas is the place for excellence, in terms of sports and academics.
It boasts a beautiful campus, a museum housing original Gutenberg Bibles and a winning robotic soccer team.
If you like looking at ancient, Biblical documents, pray that your soul is pure before you visit.
Visitors have advised that if you feel a burning sensation in your chest or throat area, you are being judged.
If your heart beats out of control, get out quickly – because you’ve been deemed unworthy of standing in the presence of these archaic Bibles – and perhaps you might need to pray for forgiveness.
Have you been to any of these colleges?
What have you experienced there?
Tell us in the comments below.