When most people plan a trip to the always beautiful Catalina Island off of Avalon, California, an experience with the paranormal is the farthest thing from their mind.
However, many incidents have been reported during the last few decades.
And nobody seems able to figure out why.
Is Avalon Home to Ancient Entities?
Updated 2/10/2020 – Catalina Island was passed down from owner to owner until William Wrigley, of Wrigley’s gum, purchased a majority of the shares in 1919.
Wrigley spent a fortune building facilities and attractions to make tourists flock to the island.
One such facility was the Catalina Country Club—built specifically as a training home for the Chicago Cubs, which Wrigley also owned.
The Cubs traveled from Wrigley Field to the country club every spring until 1951.
When William Wrigley passed away, his shares went to his son.
Today, 88% of the island is protected from development, and Wrigley’s descendants still maintain control over the resorts and attractions located on the island.
The history of the island is void of gratuitous violence, death and despair…so where did the hauntings come from?
The Smith family did not discover the answer when they took a vacation on Catalina Island a few years ago, but their experiences did shed some light on the nature of the hauntings.
Ava’s New Friend…

“We were staying at a resort near the Country Club, so we spent many sunny afternoons there while on Catalina,” Mrs. Smith said.
“This was a few years ago, so my daughter had to have been seven or eight at the time.
Every time I or my husband mentioned going to the club, Ava would grow quiet—almost sullen—and insist that we shouldn’t go.
“My husband and I were partially on vacation, but also participating at an event at the club, so we really had no choice but to go.
We just assumed that Ava put up a fight because it wasn’t the greatest facility for kids.
We never considered her behavior as odd…we just told her we would be done with our meeting soon, and that we would do whatever she wanted in the afternoon,” Mrs. Smith informed us.
“Our group rented the Avalon Bay Room, and I placed Ava in the corner of the room with a few coloring books and crayons.
I would check up on her from the table every once in a while, and I began to notice her having a conversation with somebody next to her—somebody who wasn’t actually there.
“After an hour or so we took a brief intermission, and I walked over to her and asked her who she was talking to.
’I don’t know his name, but he is very strange,’ Ava told me, still doodling in the coloring book.
’What do you mean that he’s strange?’ I asked.
“’He keeps telling me to do…bad things,’ Ava replied, but wouldn’t tell me anything else.
I found the entire conversation creepy, but my husband insisted that she was just bored, and angry that we weren’t doing anything fun,” Mrs. Smith shrugged.
“When Ava continued to talk to her invisible friend, I grabbed my cell phone and took a picture of her.
All of the sudden she turned to look at me, fell to the ground, and it almost looked like she was dragged a few inches,” Mrs. Smith said in a whimper.
“My husband went to soothe her when she started crying, but I immediately grabbed my phone and zoomed into the photo I took of her.
There I could see this tall, dark figure…not an animal, but not human, either.
Looking at the creature, something inside me told me it was an ancient entity, and had resided in Avalon for a very long time…”
1 Country Club Dr
Avalon, CA 90704
United States