For some the school year is approaching, for others it’s ending, and for yet others that means beginning or resuming their secondary education.
Today, we have compiled a list of some of the best colleges in California…but for entirely different reasons than you might expect.
Updated 2/9/2020 – Beyond curriculum and cafeterias, some schools are home to a supernatural presence.
Spirits of students, and staff members will come back at times, and haunt the campus they came to love while they were alive.
So if you’re trying to decide which school to go to, and you have an affinity for the paranormal, you might want to consider one of these ten California schools.
The Ten Best Colleges in California To Spot A Ghost
10) University of Santa Monica – Santa Monica
The University of Santa Monica is considered one of the best schools in California—despite the fact that some people consider it to be part of a cult.
Individuals who are interested in becoming therapists, coaches and healers would greatly benefit from their programs.
Just be on the lookout for the ghost of a young woman in the library.
Rumor has it that she was failing her courses, and slit her wrists between the shelving units.
Now her ghost and trails of blood can be seen in the evenings.
9) San Diego State University – San Diego
Students love San Diego State because it provides more than just a college education.
Many people attend their classes, grab some lunch at the student union building, then work out at the ARC building to complete their day—all the while never having to leave campus.
If you do utilize the gym, be wary in the early hours of the morning.
Some students have reported strange orbs that float on one of the corners of the gym.
When one student came into contact with an orb, he suffered from third degree burns all over his forearm.
8) California State University – Chico
The moment you step onto the Chico State campus, it’s hard to not be impressed with how beautiful and lush it is.
Many people choose to stay on campus long after class has gotten out simply because it’s such a peaceful campus, and there are many eateries within walking distance.
Are you pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree?
If so, avoid the labs after midnight.
Rumor has it that a former faculty member haunts the area, holding knives in his hands.
He often mistakes students for demons and has been known to attack people if he sees them.
7) Santa Clara University – Santa Clara

thomas p/yelp
Santa Clara is considered to be a very well rounded school, with great programs and sporting events, all immersed within a historical campus.
For those of you who are interested in ghost hunting, you will want to check out the Mission Garden right around sunset.
The ghost of a young man has been spotted, smelling the flowers.
Just avoid eye contact at all costs…those who have looked into his face refuse to speak about what they saw, but all needed extensive counseling afterward.
6) California State University – Channel Islands
Those who attend California State at their Channel Islands campus never want to leave, thanks to its natural beauty.
The entire campus is nestled at the base of the Camarillo, and offers stunning views, foliage and wildlife.
Unfortunately, the entire campus is haunted by ghosts.
The campus was once the Camarillo State Mental Hospital, and dead patients still linger there.
Some people have reported having their arms or hair grabbed by a malicious, unseen force when they happened to be alone on campus.
5) San Francisco State University – San Francisco
This San Francisco campus is entirely unique in that it is located on the sixth floor of Westfield Mall.
Many students enjoy shopping after a difficult class, or stopping in the food court for lunch in between lectures.
The only thing students seem to not like about this campus is the fact that is home to a tricky poltergeist.
The entity has been known to make a mess of academic records, and pull textbooks out of students’ hands.
While it has never physically harmed a student before, many are unnerved by its intense presence and unwavering desire to be destructive.
4) Sacramento College – Sacramento
If you find yourself wondering ‘which college should I go to?’ definitely take Sacramento College into consideration.
It is one of the oldest colleges in the region without feeling like an antiquated curriculum.
Many students enjoy the fact that the campus is always hosting some extracurricular event on the weekends as well.
Just use caution whenever you’re in the cafeteria on campus…A spirit in the form of a shadow person has been spotted in the building.
It has also been known to target women by slapping them, or hissing in their ears as they eat.
3) San Jose State University – San Jose
Located in the heart of downtown San Jose, this campus is always a lively place to visit, whether for class or for some fun at the Event Center.
Feeling brave? Consider hanging around the Health building late at night.
The facility was recently renovated, and now seems to be haunted by the ghost of a young man.
The spirit has been known to pace around the front of the building, ranting quietly under his breath.
Those who have dared to interact with him have said that black goo oozes from his nose and mouth and he will scream at you until you run away.
2) Los Angeles City College – Los Angeles
Los Angeles City College is, unfortunately, considered to be one of the worst colleges in California, unlike all the others on this list.
Many students report that they feel very unsafe while walking on the open campus due to seeing weird shadows moving across the grounds.
To top it all off, the spirit of an elderly woman has been seen wandering outside the buildings at night.
Rumor has it that she was once a homeless person who slept on campus at night, until she was murdered.
Now she haunts the campus, searching for her killer.
Don’t approach her, as she will attempt to stab you with a shard of glass she holds in her dead fingers.
1) Pomona College – Claremont
There are numerous California community colleges, but Pomona College in Claremont is one of the best.
Many people who attend this school appreciate its unique amenities, from the local organic farm to the numerous art shows year round.
Interested in ghosts?
Be sure to check out the fountain around three in the morning.
Legend has it that a disembodied voice can be heard, and if you directly communicate with it, the voice has been known to tell students how they will one day die.