Starting in the late 1600s, various religious organizations and groups traveled from Spain to what is now the lone star state, in order to spread Catholic doctrine.
Texas missions were built as religious outposts as a way of speaking and teaching local Native American tribes.
Although many of these missions were destroyed by natural disasters, some of them still exist today, and are popular tourist destinations.
Updated 2/11/2020 – Given their historical and religious significance, many people claim that these missions are now haunted by spirits who considered these ancient churches and chapels to be their private sanctuaries.
Many individuals visited these missions in times of great moral peril, and financial strife, and associated feelings of resolution and peace with each building.
As a result, it is small wonder that some demonic spirits decided to permanently call these missions home in the afterlife.
So if you’re in the area, be sure to check out these beautiful and historic places.
Not only will you be able to enjoy ancient architecture, but you just may see a ghost or two as well.
Visit These 7 Haunted Missions in Texas At Your Peril
7) Mission Concepcion – San Antonio
There are many Spanish missions in Texas, and Mission Concepcion is one of the oldest in the state.
Today, this mission provides a beautiful place for visitors to reflect on the historical significance of the site, as well as to ponder spirituality in a tranquil and relaxing environment.
As you tour the grounds, be on the lookout for the apparition of a nun who wanders the area around sunset.
Some locals believe the woman died while undergoing an exorcism, because her eyes have been known to glow red.
6) Mission San Francisco de Los Tejas – Grapeland
Unlike most other Texas missions that are made of crisp white walls, Los Tejas is a quaint wooden building now located in an official state park.
The cabin is available for prayer and reflection, but many people choose to practice their faith by exploring the scenic trails nearby.
Feeling daring?
Be sure to visit the nearby stream around midnight.
Legend has it that an unwed pregnant woman came to Los Tejas to pray for her soul before committing suicide by the water.
Her ghost can be seen, cutting her wrists and letting her blood spill into the stream.
5) La Misión de Corpus Christi de San Antonio de la Ysleta – El Paso
Ysleta is formally recognized as the oldest parish still in use within the state of Texas.
This mission has been lovingly cared for and well maintained by the community, and remains a regular place for worship.
Rumor has it that the ghost of a priest can sometimes be seen walking through the walls of the church.
When approached, the priest has been known to vomit a strange black substance that burns the flesh.
4) Mission Nuestra Señora del Espíritu Santo de Zúñiga – Goliad
This traditional white mission rests on a gently sloping hill, and seems to instantly comfort anyone who visits.
Unlike most missions, Nuestra was also a large cattle ranch during the late 1700s.
Occasionally visitors claim to feel the presence of an otherworldly being, such as a poltergeist.
This spirit has been known to knock over prayer books, and turn crosses upside down as people sit down to pray inside.
Don’t call out to it…it could target you.
3) Mission Nuestra Señora de la Limpia Concepción de Los Piros de Socorro del Sur – Socorro
Built in 1843, the building that you see in Socorro today is actually the third church to sit on the land.
Two previous missions were built but were destroyed by floods.
Los Piros is still used by the local community every week.
If you have children, be prepared for them to potentially exhibit strange behavior.
Many local children have been known to claim that a hoofed figure stomps on the roof during mass, although adults don’t seem to hear the demonic spirit.
2) Mission Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de los Ais – San Augustine
Mission Dolores was first established in 1717, and remained in use until 1773 when the Spanish government abandoned East Texas.
While the building itself is no longer used on a daily basis, the mission now has several exhibits in the modern day visitor center on site.
Once used as farmland as well, some folks claim that if you visit the mission after midnight, you will see misty apparitions working and walking around in the fields.
These figures have been known to charge at people if they are not respectful to the mission and to the land.
1) Mission San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo – San Antonio
Among the Catholic missions in Texas, Mission San Jose is often considered the most beautiful due to its ornate architectural details.
Those who visit enjoy spending time in reflection around the courtyard…just be sure to leave the site after dark.
Rumor has it that a half-man, half-goat entity has been seen here.
If approached the creature will speak in Tongues and will cause people to dream about hell for several weeks afterward.
Be careful not to become its next victim!
Have you visited any of these Texas Missions?
What did you experience?
Tell us in the comments below.