A man named Nathaniel Kellum purchased land in Houston during the 1840s.
In 1847, Mr. Kellum built the two story building known as La Carafe.
Today, La Carafe is the oldest commercial building still in use within Houston.
The Oldest Bar in Houston
Updated 2/11/2020 – La Carafe first began life as a bakery.
The Kennedy Bakery became known for baking fresh biscuits every day for the Confederate soldiers passing through town.
Overtime, the building was converted into a bar, and public meeting house.
While La Carafe is still in operation, the building itself faces structural challenges.
The entire second floor is closed off to the public due to safety concerns.
It just so happens that the second floor is also said to be quite haunted.
Some visitors believe they saw the black apparition of a man on that story.
One anonymous local has confessed to sneaking up onto the second story to explore.
To this day he strongly regrets that choice.
Poking Around On the 2nd Floor

“I’m not sure what compelled me to go up there, but it felt like an irrational and impulsive decision on my end,” he admitted sheepishly.
“Before I even had time to process it, I was already on the second floor, poking around.
It was almost as if I couldn’t help myself but do it.
“I wasn’t up there for too long before I heard the sound of furniture moving,” the man said.
“I slowly opened the door of each room, but everything seemed to be in order.
Nothing looked amiss.
“I contemplated going back downstairs when I heard the sound again, only this time it was in the room to my left,” he said with a satisfied smile.
“I immediately went to the door and opened it again.
My eyes were drawn to the decorative tin can that was lying on the ground in front of me.
“I grabbed the musty can and put it back on the side table next to the door.
Shortly after I shut the door, I heard the unmistakable sound of the tin can fall off the table again.
That time when I opened the door, the room gave me the absolute chills—and still does,” he said, showing off his goosebumps.
“I poked my head into the room, wondering if the floor was somehow slanted.
I tried to use logic to discredit what my gut was saying…that it was the act of something otherworldly.
I had just begun to believe that theory when I felt someone breathe on the back of my neck,” the man murmured.
“Suddenly I was so frightened; I couldn’t move a muscle.
The entity continued to breathe on me, and the last thing I wanted to do was be forced to turn to face it.
I grew so incredibly panicked that I passed out, and fell to the floor.
“I woke up a few minutes later.
I could tell by how light the air around me was that the spirit was no longer nearby,” the man said.
“I took the opportunity to get the hell out of there, and back down onto the main floor.
“I do love La Carafe, and I do think it is an important part of Houston history.
I just think it may be in need of some kind of exorcism before people should be allowed to ever go upstairs.”