All posts in "Psychic Basics"

Mediumship vs. Channeling (Discover the True Difference)

What is the difference between mediumship and channeling? Both abilities consist in communicating with entities from another world, but there are a few differences. It is possible for a person to possess both abilities, but most psychics or mediums tend to focus on one of these abilities. Here is what you need to know about […]

Are Mediums Real or Scammers? (Discover the Truth Now!)

The question of “are mediums real or fake?” is a complicated one. There are some frauds out there, but does that mean everyone who claims to have psychic abilities is a liar? Ahead we’ll give you some evidence that suggests not every psychic medium is a phony. In fact, most of the mediums are probably […]

Common (and Uncommon) Types of Divination

Divination is the practice of seeking out knowledge of the unknown (often the future) by looking for inspiration from the forces around us. The roots of the practice are unknown, but people have been practicing various forms of divination for thousands of years. Some forms have become so popular that you’ve seen them represented in […]

Psychic Children: 5 Surefire Signs Your Child is Psychic

Infants and children are far closer to the spiritual realm than adults. Babies often seem captivated by invisible entities, which lead parents to think there’s something else going on. After a few months, this ability usually fades. For some kids, though, the ability to tap into the spiritual plane never fully retreats. These psychic children […]

How to Find a Psychic – 3 Easy Steps (Gets You Accurate Readings!)

Wondering how to find a psychic? You’re in the right place! Not every psychic you’ll find on the street has the same level of ability. Some will only be able to give you a fraction of the picture. Others are just misleading their customers with cold readings and guesses. Those who want the chance at an […]

The 11 Most Famous Psychics in the World (Truth Revealed!)

Interested in learning about the most popular mediums in the national eye? You’re in the right place! The famous psychics in this article are known around the world as being the most gifted psychics living today. Many of them may have originated in the United States, but their prominent gifts have traveled the world. These […]

Being Psychic: 10 Sure-Fire Ways to Know if You Have the Gift

“Am I psychic?” That is a common question to ask when you believe you might have psychic abilities. But, what are the signs of being psychic? Here, we outline the top ten factors that point to a potential psychic gift. So get ready, because you’re about to discover the truth. – Updated 10/11/2019 ​ 10 […]

Who Can Empaths Fall in Love With? (Discover the Truth)

It’s not unusual for an empath to hear that they need to toughen up or not take things so seriously. But that is almost impossible to do because these types of people feel emotions so intensely. This ability to empathize with others and take on their feelings creates a unique situation regarding relationships. If you […]

7 Sure-Fire Signs You Are Past Life Lovers (Truth Revealed!)

Did you meet someone you already seem to know? Maybe their everyday gestures are familiar? Or maybe you can’t shake the feeling that you have a specific memory of that person. There are plenty of ways to know that this person is a past life lover and possibly here to help you. Finding this past […]

Numbers in Dreams (and What They Mean for Your Life)

Dreams have long been a source of wonder and curiosity. What do they mean? Are they prophetic? What are they trying to show me? There are many reasons that you might dream about a number or series of numbers. Most often, numbers in dreams are trying to tell you something or bring you a piece […]

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