Dogs have always been known to be man’s best friend, but not all of them have been able to prove their love for their owners as Kabar did.
Laid to rest at the Los Angeles Pet Cemetery alongside MGM’s lion Tawny and the bulldog from ‘The Little Rascals’ among other celebrity pets, the Doberman Pincer/Great Dane cross belonged to the handsome Rudolph Valentino.
Updated 2/10/2020 – He always accompanied his owner on trips, a privilege given to very few special dogs that Valentino didn’t keep in kennels.
Sadly, he wasn’t around when his owner died, which is why Kabar hasn’t moved on.
A Strong Friendship between Man and Dog

Photo credit: pinterest/renarose123
Born on June 20, 1922, Kabar was just a few months old when he was given to Valentino by a Belgian fan during his stay at the French estate belonging to relatives of his the-wife Natacha Rambova.
As Alsatian Dobermans are considered among the finest of breeds and the smartest, it was love at first sight.
In fact, Valentino loved his dog so much that he made sure they slept in the same room regardless of wherever he was.
It’s probably this strong bond between both, along with dogs’ keen sixth sense, that made Kabar react to Valentino’s death despite being three thousand miles apart.
The young actor hadn’t taken his dog on his last trip east in July 1926.
However, at the time of his death, Kabar howled mournfully, prompting Valentino’s other dogs in Falcon Lair to join.
This scared Beatrice Lillie as she drove by from a party at John Gilbert’s, causing her to run her car off the road and faint.
The Death of a Heartbroken Dog

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Despite the arrival of Valentino’s brother Alberto at Falcon Lair, the dog remained restless.
According to the Lewiston Evening Journal, Kabar ran away only to return months later at Valentino’s Hollywood home in poor shape.
Not only had the dog been starving, his paws were raw to the bone.
The newspaper reports that the dog may have traveled to New York to find his master, but failed, returning 3,000 miles across mountains and desert.
Alberto called in a vet, but Kabar continuously refused to eat and died within a few days on January 17, 1929.
Realizing the bond between his brother and his dog, Alberto wanted to bury Kabar at Falcon Lair.
However, city regulations forced him to consider the nearest pet cemetery: The Los Angeles Pet Park in Calabasas.
Till this day, the cemetery flaunts the fact that Valentino’s favorite pet was the first celebrity dog buried there.
Sightings of Kabar’s Ghost

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Kabar is still tied to this world because he couldn’t reunite with his owner.
He can be seen at Valentino’s mansion, especially around the actor’s birthday.
A group of spiritualists have seen him on May 6th, 1948 while celebrating Valentino’s live.
Mediums swore that the dog leaped through a closed window.
However, Kabar mainly haunts the grounds of the cemetery.
Many people there have heard his barking and panting near his grave.
Some even report having their hands licked while paying their respects to the loyal pooch.
So drop by to see Kabar at the LA Pet Cemetery.
He’d love to see you there and will show it by licking your hands secretly or showing up.