If you’re near Pacific Grove, and looking for a quiet and relaxing place to enjoy the Pacific Ocean, then look no further than Asilomar State Beach.
This state beach offers a cozy, sandy white beach, and large, rocky bluffs that are a perfect place to perch and watch the sunset.
But should you have any deep seeded secrets, beware…Something supernatural lurks at this beach, and it will stop at nothing to make you come clean.
Spirits at Asilomar State Beach Abhor your Sins
Updated 2/11/2020 – Or so Frederick (Names changed for privacy) says.
Fred’s wife, Sandy, wanted to visit the beach together to watch the sun dip below the horizon just a few weeks ago.
“My wife works a lot of hours, so when she comes up with something she really wants to do, I try to make it happen,” Fred told us.
“I had packed a basket full of Caesar salads, calamari, and champagne for the outing, hoping she would find dinner by the beach to be romantic.
As we ate our meal and stared out at the ocean, I couldn’t help but notice that Sandy seemed really withdrawn.
Every time I would ask her about it though, she would just wave her hand and say, ‘it’s nothing, just work stuff,’ and she would change the subject.
“She spends enough hours at the office as it is, so I tried my best to get her mind off of it as we watched the sun sink and the sky turn pink and orange all around us.
“I, uh…,” Fred hesitated, turning slightly pink.
“I tried to be romantic with her, but every time I tried to kiss her, she would turn away.
“Anyway, after the sun set, it started to get really chilly out.
The sky started to turn deep hues of blue and purple.
‘Should we go home now?’
I asked my wife, but when I turned to look at her, she was staring out at the waves, looking stricken.
“‘Did you hear that?’ she asked me, suddenly growing pale.
I asked her what she heard.
Sandy said she heard voices coming from the ocean, whispering the word, ‘truth.’
“But I couldn’t hear anything.
‘Haha, very funny, now can we go home?’
I asked her.
But Sandy was still staring out at the ocean, looking more scared than I had ever seen her.
“I remember that I shook her a little bit, and I kept repeating her name.
But she kept staring out at the dark blue waves, whispering the word, ‘truth’ over and over again.
Slowly, I managed to pull her to her feet and convince her that we should start walking towards the van.
Out with the Truth

“I had just collected the basket and our shoes when she suddenly screamed, pointing out towards the shoreline.
‘Frederick, there are white hands coming out of the ocean!’ she shrieked.
“But I couldn’t see anything remotely out of the ordinary!” Fred growled, shaking his head in frustration.
“As I all but dragged my wife to the car, she put her hands over her ears, and said she couldn’t stand to hear them chant at her anymore.
She continued to say the word, ‘truth’ over and over again long after we left Asilomar State Beach.
It was later that night when she told me that she had been having an affair with a colleague for the last six months,” Fred added in a whisper.