Many people drive down Sand Canyon Road in Santa Clarita every single day.
Some of them have reported getting goose bumps, feeling strange breezes, hot spots, and other weird things while travelling down this road.
They return with stories more blood-curdling than the hot sun beating down on you as you try to make sense of what just happened.
Sand Canyon Road in Santa Clarita holds a dreadful legend
Updated 2/10/2020 – The intersection of Warm Springs Road and Sand Canyon Road is known not only for connecting these two roads….
But also for the terrible accident that allegedly took place there in the mid ’80s.
According to the legend, it all happened on prom night.
Apparently, some teens were driving their car down the road.
As the additional reports state, they were heading to the Nike Missile Site LA-94 near Bear Divide when their car crashed.
One girl and three guys were killed in the accident.
Alone in the night, they couldn’t get any help.
Their spirits are resentful, they could have been saved.
And as it seems, they still can’t let it go…
The ghosts of Sand Canyon Road
The locals spread a story of encounters with a female teen ghost on the road.
They had seen her seeking help for her injured friends – her hair flying on all sides and her face completely ruined.
They say that her eyes were all white and half of her skull was visible in the part of her nose and mouth.
Although it was hard to see her in the dark on Sand Canyon Road, her presence could be felt in the bones.
Floating above the ground, she sometimes launched her hands towards them and without saying a word tried to take them somewhere with her.

Image credit: pinterest/Tatjana Debus
There’re rumors of a spooky feeling, like someone is trying to grab you.
A lot of locals have felt it while standing there.
Luckily, in all cases, they escaped in time and never returned to that place.
At least not during the night.
Other spectators describe the presence of one more ghost.
This time, a male teen.
A man was investigating the place with a friend using their cameras and an EMF detector.
They went on the road early in the morning – somewhere around 1 a.m.
Most of the time the detector stood flat.
But a few times it reacted to paranormal activity.
The whole atmosphere was creepy. They sensed other presences around them. Like they weren’t alone.
At first, they were skeptical, but then they caught a potential EVP.
A male teen voice speaking something.
They explained that it was a crackling sound, something out of the ordinary and it had nothing to do with the wind.
According to them, it sounded like someone was asking for help or something similar to that.
They didn’t see it, but the sound was unmistakable.
“We’re trying to go back over the footage now and see if we can determine what was being said,” one of them says, a strange light in his eyes.
Obviously, he’s still reconsidering everything they’ve witnessed that day.
And who wouldn’t?
The mere thought that the ghosts of these teens are haunting Sand Canyon Road is reason enough for all of us to evade it if possible.
It appears that Santa Clarita is more dangerous at night than we think.