All posts in "Ghost Stories"

The Creepy Eyes of the Beholder

When I opened the door to the morgue I was sure I heard whispering suddenly stop. Everything was still. I turned to walk back out of the room and felt a hot breath on the back of my neck.

Echoes of an Exorcism

When her laughter turned dark, my flesh crawled. I turned around and tripped over the broom – falling on the floor. The “thing” in the chair was not my mother.

The Creepy Children In The Masks

In the tent, with the lamp on the brightest setting, it took me forever to fall asleep. I don’t know how long I’d been sleeping when I was awoken by the familiar, freaky giggling.

Escaping the House of Demons

It took a while for me to realize that the usual sounds one might expect in the woods were absent from this area. As I lay in bed, wondering why everything was so quiet, I heard soft footsteps coming from the main room. Then I saw dark shadows appearing under the crack in the door…

My Last Night as a Ghost Hunter

I felt something root me to the spot, then suddenly the figure pointed to me and began to boom in an evil voice. He said, “Join us – Sinner!” Then I heard disembodied laughter coming from all corners of the room.

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