In 1838, Thomas Orman and his family moved to Apalachicola, Florida and built a house.
Mr. Orman was a merchant and grew immensely rich from trading goods with sailors and travelers who came to the Gulf.
The family built their house to overlook the docks below.
A Paranormal Journey At The Orman House
Updated 2/10/2020 – Orman House is now publicly owned and many locals claim that the house is haunted by its previous owners.
One Florida native who lives in the county over is convinced these hauntings are true.
“I want to preface this by saying that I don’t usually believe in psychics or dream interpretation or anything like that,” began Michelle (Name changed per request), her cheeks turning pink.
“But a friend of mine went to see this woman in town and swore up and down that she was legitimate.
“So I went—mostly just to get her to shut up,” she laughed.
“The woman brought out a deck of Tarot cards and began interpreting them for me.
She flipped one card over, couldn’t tell you which one, and suddenly stopped to look up at me.
“’You must go to the Orman House,’ the psychic whispered.”
‘Why do I have to go there?’
“The psychic just shook her head and said, ‘I don’t know but you must.
Someone there is waiting for you.’
“So with great trepidation, I decided to just go and get it over with,” Michelle sighed.
A Ghostly Encounter in Apalachicola

“By this time it was late evening, and I was afraid I would get kicked off the grounds.
I had just rounded the back of the house when I saw a woman—a dead woman—standing there as if she were waiting for me.
She seemed to be wearing nothing but a flimsy white nightgown with a long, flowing skirt and a lace brasserie.
“I was so scared when I saw her, but when she looked at me she gave such a warm smile that I knew she would not harm me.
Something in my gut told me I was looking into the face of Mrs. Thomas Orman, from back in the 1800s.
“’Michelle,’ the ghost woman said.
“I about fainted when she said my name!” Michelle said, astounded.
‘Y-yes, how did you know my name?’
“’Your mother died when you were a little girl, didn’t she?’ Mrs. Orman asked.
“’Yes,’ I whispered back.
“’You were too young to sit in the passenger seat of her car, but you insisted and she let you,’ the ghost said.
When that van ran the red light and hit your mother’s car, glass went flying everywhere.’
Mrs. Orman raised her hands up, and I was shocked to see that blood started blooming on her pale white fingertips,” Michelle whispered.
“’Your mother shielded your face with her hands….and all you remember is seeing how bloody her fingers were,’ the spirit continued.
“’How do you know all this?’ I asked, tears streaming down my face.
“Mrs. Orman smiled kindly at me.
‘Your mother came to me once.
‘She wanted me to find you and tell you that it’s okay, it wasn’t your fault that she’s gone.’
‘And that she’s proud of you.’
“I covered my face while I cried, and when I looked back up Mrs. Orman was gone,” Michelle said, grabbing at some tissue.
“Everything changed that night in Apalachicola…and I feel free from guilt that I have held onto for decades.”