Woman With Knife Only Appears For Kids

When my Aunt bought her dream home, we were all so happy for her and had a great time helping her move.

We threw a big BBQ on the awesome patio and she even invited the next door neighbors.

I was worried when the conversation turned to telling real ghost stories, as my kids are easily frightened.

Real Ghost Stories: Woman With Knife Only Appears For Kids

Photo credit: flickr/ohhdange

Updated 2/9/2020 – So I tucked them into a makeshift bed in the spare room and went back to join the party.

It was only an hour later when I heard my five year old daughter scream and we ran inside to find her crying.

Huddling with her teddy and her three year old brother, she kept pointing to the door, but nothing was there.

My shackles raised when she told me, “The lady with the knife. Can’t you see her?”

I followed her gaze but still couldn’t see anything.

After a few minutes, I calmed them down and went back outside.

What chilled my blood was a story the neighbor told, about the previous owner being murdered by his own wife.

Apparently she’d stabbed him in his sleep, then she ran a bath and electrocuted herself with a portable fan.

Even though we laughed it off, my Aunt and I were a little creeped out when we decided to go to bed later on.

I regretted the decision to stay in that house.

I snuggled in with my kids and tried to go to sleep, but the hairs on my neck wouldn’t stop prickling.

Tossing and turning many times, I was distracted by a sound of shuffling in the hallway.

It was like bare feet sliding haphazardly on the floor, with occasional stops and starts.

My kids were fast asleep but I couldn’t help calling out my Aunt’s name. There was no answer, until:

The light from the hallway slowly started filtering in. As the door silently opened, I trembled uncontrollably.

Craning my neck around, it was all I could do from not screaming as I saw a ghostly woman standing in the doorway.

Even though I couldn’t see her, I could feel her presence.

But my children woke up and they could see her.

They were screaming.

I gasped as the chills ran down my spine – feeling her presence intently and not knowing what to do.

Gripping my children, I practically jumped out of my skin when she began shuffling towards the bed.

Finally I screamed, too – while the woman continued shuffling towards us – knife raised!

One of the most terrifying real ghost stories!

Even though I could hear my Aunt running towards the room, the ghostly woman was leaning over us.

My kids screamed as I pushed them out of the other side of the bed – telling them to “RUN!”

We ran into my Aunt in the hallway and I spun around – but the kids told me that the apparition was gone.

As I explained to my Aunt what had happened, she told me to “Shush!” We could all hear the shuffling!

We ran downstairs and tried to calm ourselves down by turning on all the lights.

My Aunt soon rented the house out but continued to get reports of the woman with the knife.

Since then I have a newfound respect for people who see ghosts on a regular basis.

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