In April of 1854, San Diego was in the process of receiving a government funded lighthouse on Point Loma.
The project included the establishment of six lighthouses total along the coastline.
The location had been selected because it was close to the summit of Point Loma.
The Historic Lighthouse of San Diego
Updated 2/10/2020 – The Point Loma Lighthouse was completed in October of the following year.
As the lighthouse sat on a 400 foot cliff, it had the highest elevation of any lighthouse in the United States while it was in operation.
However, due to the excessive fog in the area, many ships could not make out the light as they approached landfall.
As a result, the Point Loma Lighthouse ceased being used.
It was last lit in March of 1891.
Now there is a new lighthouse, called the New Point Loma Lighthouse, that lights up the coastline from a much lower elevation.
What is now called Old Point Loma Lighthouse is still open to visitors.
Deirdre had decided to visit it because she had heard rumors that it was haunted.
Some students at her high school had told her that they heard someone cry out when they were there.
Eager to see a ghost, Deirdre decided to visit one day after school.
The Perfect Plan
“It had been overcast and rainy all day, and I remember sitting in math class thinking it was perfect weather for ghost hunting,” she laughed a little.
I knew most of my friends wouldn’t take it seriously, so I just headed straight there after the last bell.
I didn’t tell anyone where I was going.
“It was still raining when I made it to Old Point Loma,” she said.
“As I started to climb the stairs, I started hearing this low moan, echoing up and down the lighthouse.
The more I listened, the more I wondered what the hell was making that sound.
“The higher I climbed, the more intense the noise became around me,” Deirdre whispered.
“I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied until I went all the way to the top.
If I had been a ghost, that is where I would have hung out.
“The moment I took that last step onto the upper platform, I could tell the air was different all around me.
It felt far colder, achingly cold.
I hadn’t felt a moment’s apprehension until I made it up there,” she admitted.
“Suddenly a new shadow appeared on the wall opposite from where I stood.
It was eerily human in shape, but nobody was up there with me at the time.
I watched in fright as it glided towards the stairs and started to flow down them.
“I paced a couple of times, trying to clear my head,” Deirdre said, gesturing towards her temple.
“I reminded myself that seeing a ghost is what I had come for, and that I better try to follow it.
I ran down the spiral staircase as quickly as I dared.
“I scrambled my way to the bottom, but the shadow was nowhere to be seen.
I drove back to San Diego overcome with so many emotions.
My friends don’t believe me, but I know I saw a spirit at that lighthouse.”