Discover the truth in this Manifestation Miracle Review. Photo: Delphine Devos/flickr
I’ve always been intrigued by the “Law of Attraction,” and I was sure that every positive thought I had would automatically turn into something good in my life.
For five years after college, I worked hard, hoping to land my dream job.
I would put all of my positivity “out there,” right before an interview, but always failed to get the job.
I thought I was manifesting all of my wants and needs the right way.
Every time I manifested what I wanted, I had challenging, “you can’t do that” thoughts that got in the way. I was tired of working hard and was frustrated that the “Law of Attraction” was working for everyone but me.
I wanted to learn how to manifest the right way. I wanted to see results, not struggle for them.
If you’re like me and are tired of doubting every decision you make, read my Manifestation Miracle review to see if you would benefit from learning how to manifest your dreams.
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Table of Contents
- 1 An Objective Review of Heather Mathews’ Manifestation Miracle Book and Secret System
An Objective Review of Heather Mathews’ Manifestation Miracle Book and Secret System
Things to Consider Before Buying Manifestation Books And Systems
Many people fail to succeed in life or live to their fullest potential because they are full of doubt and negative energy, whether they know it or not. A fulfilling and happy life doesn’t need to be a result of years of painstaking labor; instead, it should come easy.
Manifestation books and systems can help you learn how to change the way you think and how you view life. Manifestation can be an integral step in living the life you’ve always wanted.
Who Should Buy Them
How often do you think about making a major life change? Are you tired of working hard and feeling unfulfilled? Do you want to see the “Law of Attraction” work in your favor?
While manifestation begins to work right away, it takes time to master manifestation through regular practice. If you truly want to see a positive change in your life, you need to have an open mind and be willing to rid your mind of all the resistance. This is a lifestyle change.
If you’ve ever wanted to try a personal development course that can change your life in ways you’ve always dreamed of, this program may be the right fit for you.
Who Should Not Buy Them
Changing the way you think about yourself, your life, and your abilities can be challenging and natural. If you don’t think you can change anything about yourself and think that success only comes from hard work, this program is probably not the best fit.
Manifestation may not be for you if your mind is closed or if you expect for life-changing results within seconds without making a commitment to change.
What is Manifestation Miracle?
Manifestation Miracle was created by transformational speaker, Heather Mathews, who also is an expert on energy flow and is a life coach.
Manifestation Miracle is often described as a self-improvement course, but it’s also a formula designed to offer immediate results for anyone that uses it.
Heather describes the formula as a “step-by-step blueprint that takes you by the hand and shows you exactly what you need to do to unlock the powers of Destiny Tuning and make manifesting work for you more powerfully that you ever imagined it could!”
How Does It Work?
Regardless of how your life is at this moment, Manifestation Miracle has techniques that are “guaranteed to raise the pitch of your energetic vibrations for you.” You don’t need to wait until your is where you want it to be, you can start the program right away.
When you sign up for the Manifestation Miracle system, you will receive the Manifestation Miracle Manual, “I’M WORTHY OF ABUNDANCE” Success Workbook, the audio edition of Manifestation Miracle.
You will also receive Manifestation Miracle Chapter Recap Videos and the Abundant Wealth Super Mindtrack. All of these products are designed to work together and complement your best learning style (auditory vs. visual).
In addition to the full Manifestation Miracle system and books, you will receive five “super” bonuses, which can help you get more from the program and work on all aspects of your life:
The Love and Happiness Super Mind Track (MP3), The Powerhouse Guide for Health, Vitality and Disease (book), How To Reboot Your Metabolism (book), Unlimited Success Mindtrack Series (MP3), and The Money Mindflood System (DVD).
There are similar online products, such as Numerologist.com, which promise to help men and women discover their potential.
While Numerologist helps people to live the life they are meant (and deserve) to live, it is solely based on numerology readings and reports.
Manifestation Miracle encourages individuals to take charge of their lives, find their potential through educating themselves and learning how to manifest their dreams.
People who use Manifestation Miracle can learn to manifest anything they want in life.

Manifestation can give you the life you’ve always wanted. Photo: Attilio Palermo/flickr
The products are easy to use, and like similar courses, there are plenty of helpful tools to use during the life-changing journey.
Manifestation Miracle can help you achieve dreams and goals if you commit to the program and are willing to allow change in your life.
If you don’t believe that you have the power to create change, Manifestation Miracle is not the best method for you.
- Manifestation Miracle is an easy and convenient self-improvement course. The concepts are easy to understand and apply to your daily life
- There’s no experience necessary. Even if you don’t know what manifestation is, you can learn how to do it. All you need is an open mind
- Manifestation Miracle is one of the more affordable programs available, particularly with all the materials that are part of the program
- If you want to see a change (and maintain it), Manifestation Miracle takes some time and effort; this might not be of interest to some people
- You may spend more than you wish; the monthly newsletter costs $37 per month (after the first month is free)
- Lack of “instant” customer service. Both “chat” and customer support require email correspondence
Features and the Benefits You Get
Here are some of the features and benefits you will receive when you use Manifestation Miracle:
Manifestation Miracle Manual
This manual is a step-by-step blueprint that shows you everything you need to know about manifestation. There are over 20 chapters, and each one consists of easy-to-follow and practical instructions.
The manual is designed to help you learn what (and how to use) Destiny Tuning. You can also get an in-depth look and explanation of manifestation. Learning and understanding how manifesting works is an important step in your success.
All of the techniques in this manual can be used in your daily life, regardless of your life goals and dreams.
The “I’m Worthy of Abundance” Success Workbook
When you begin the program, you will work on this workbook while you are reading the manual. The workbook can be completed in three weeks and is effective in giving your journey onto the path of your destiny a “kick-start.”
Step-by-step and daily instructions help to keep you on track (rather than feeling overwhelmed by the process). You will have the opportunity to put Destiny Tuning to work immediately, and the exercises are less than 20 minutes per day.
This workbook will help you eliminate resistance negativity and resistance and adopt positive and powerful new thoughts and habits.
Manifestation Miracle Audio Edition

Manifestation Miracle has helpful audio edition. Photo: Garry Knight/flickr
The audio edition of the manual is a great option if you’re an auditory learner or if you feel like you’re too busy to sit down and read. The audio edition has all the same material that’s included in the manual.
The audio book can help you avoid making excuses and keep you accountable on your journey.
Manifestation Miracle Chapter Recap Videos
Whether you read or listen to the Manifestation Miracle manual, there may be some key points you miss. The video recap clips complement each chapter of the manual and can help enhance your experience.
If you are motivated when others share their experiences or if you just like to hear a little extra or personal information, these video recaps will help “round out” every chapter you finish in the manual. The videos also contain “bonus” material that is not in the manual itself.
Abundant Wealth Super Mindtrack
The Abundant Wealth Super Mindtrack is a mp3 affirmation track that helps your mind reprogram itself for wealth and success. This tool is designed to be used five minutes a day, and all you need to do (according to directions) is just listen.
No need to read or write, simply sit back and relax.
What Makes It Unique
There are thousands of other online self-improvement courses that promise to help you live a successful and happy life with little to no effort. What makes Manifestation Miracle so unique?
Free Personalized Quiz
A short quiz helps individuals get started on their journey with manifestation. The quiz is designed to tell you “what is energetically holding you back from attracting all of the prosperity, love, happiness, and abundance that you desire.”
This can be a good starting point for anyone who doesn’t know where to start, isn’t familiar with manifestation, and wants to know if they are ready for a new journey in life.
Click or tap here to take the free personalized quiz.
Learning How To Change
Many self-improvement courses may be viewed as “educational,” but many individuals are left feeling like they’ve learned nothing.
This program teaches people how to make changes in their life and rather than having a “magic fix-it-all,” individuals are responsible for learning how to change and taking control.
Changes begin immediately, but it’s a process that fosters growth, awareness, and positive change.
Money Back Guarantee
Some programs aren’t for everyone, and there’s nothing more frustrating than investing in something that doesn’t make you happy and not being able to get a refund.
If at any point, within 60 days of starting Manifestation Miracle, you aren’t happy with your journey, you get a full refund. No questions asked.
The Manifestation Miracle books and systems cost $47 (this includes all the materials mentioned in the “Features” section).
Depending on when you order, you might get the five super bonuses for free when you order the program.
If you sign up for the membership-based email newsletter, the first month is free but each month after your free trial is $37. You can cancel at any time or opt out of this newsletter.
User Reviews and Testimonials
While I started to notice a positive change while using Manifestation Miracle, I wanted to find out what other people had to say about the program. After spending a good portion of my afternoon on the Internet, reading reviews, I discovered that most people were pleased with the program.
Indrawati feels more in control of her life and has noticed a significant change in less than a month. Here’s what she has to say:
Roger has just started the program but has already noticed some changes. Here’s what he has to say:
Mats was a bit skeptical at first but has continued to use the program and learn more. Check out what Mats has to say:
Alternatives to Manifestation Miracle
Even though there is overwhelming support for Manifestation Miracle and I have noticed a positive change in my life, there are other programs that may be a better fit for you. Here are a few sites that I’ve tried out in the past and recommend:
- 15 Minute Manifestation: 15 Minute Manifestation may be a good option for anyone who likes the idea of Manifestation Miracle but has limited time. This program is designed to be used 15 minutes a day and see significant changes within 21 days.
- Thought Elevators: Thought Elevators is a self-improvement program that works on reprogramming your brain and manifesting what you want in life. Much like Manifestation Miracle, the program includes a guide, videos, and audio materials (as well as bonuses). The cost is $47.
- Royal Numerology: Royal Numerology is quite different from Manifestation Miracle but is a good introduction to numerology readings.
Review Conclusion: Does It Really Work?
Updated 2/9/2020 – Having success and happiness in life is not hard to attain, but it can be one of your greatest struggles in life, particularly if you are filled with negativity and self-doubt.
Do you have a little voice in your head that tells you that you “can’t” when you are constantly working hard to make things work in your favor?
Manifesting your dreams can be challenging, and Manifestation Miracle can give you the boost and support you need to get started and continue on a life-changing journey.
I was full of doubt but learned how to change the way I think about my life.
After reading my Manifestation Miracle review, you should be ready to take control of your life and be ready for some major changes for the better.
Let positivity rule your life, eliminate the negative energies all around you, and manifest the life you’ve been dreaming about.
Click Here To Manifest Your Dream Life