Learning how to develop retrocognition involves talents that you might already possess.
If you’ve experienced déjà vu – where you arrive in a place, experience something or meet someone you feel you’ve known before – you will most likely have success in practicing the fascinating skill of retrocognition, also known as postcognition.
– Updated 2/11/2020
Table of Contents
What is Retrocognition?
Considered by some to be a kind of psychic time travel into the past, retrocognition was first named by Frederic William Henry Myers, who was a prominent philosopher in the 19th century and one of the founders of the Society for Psychical Research.
Retrocognition comes from the Latin meaning of “backward knowing.”
Practitioners believe that it can’t occur without clairvoyance, although we use this amazing ability sometimes on a daily basis, when we think back over our lives and analyze past problems or dwell in our memories, for example.
Some call it a kind of subjective clairvoyance, where the visions perceived are actually images from the past.
Retrocognition is the psychic ability to see or experience past events or situations without using the usual five senses and involves a variety of skills which will be discussed later.
How does Retrocognition work?
Seeing as everything is made up of energy, it makes sense to think of all events in history being imprinted in objects and surroundings.
When the practitioner tunes into these vibrations or frequencies, they can access the associated memories and emotions contained there.
This includes the ability to tune in with a person’s past vibrations, whether using psychometry, clairvoyance or other methods.
Retrocognition often occurs spontaneously in dreams or visions when meditating or in a trance.
Psychic Detectives also use this skill to help with police investigations.
What are the Practical Spiritual Applications of Retrocognition?
Often used to assist past life recall, retrocognition allows the practitioner to help others essentially go back in time via methods which incorporate hypnosis, in order to access a level of consciousness where they can see or remember events in their past lives, or at least – their early memories in this lifetime.
There have been many cases where young children have reported past lives in great detail, even shocking their parents when they demand to go back to the place where they lived in their past lives, in order to clear up old business or to say goodbye to the loved ones they left behind.
It also makes perfect sense to use retrocognition to discover your past, in order to deal with issues in your present conditions, which leads to the shaping of a more agreeable future.
Another skill which is useful in this regard could involve psychometry, where objects are read for past information.
How to Develop Retrocognition
First of all, it takes practice – but that doesn’t mean that you can’t build on what you already do.
Step One – Use what you already have
The easy way to develop retrocognition is to pay attention to your dreams, especially the ones that seem to deal with your past.
It’s important to keep a dream journal and mark the ones that involve imagery, themes and people in your past.
Analyze them and see what you come up with.
Another easy way is to take notice when you experience visions or déjà vu.
Record your impressions and go into a meditative state.
Ask questions and follow your hunches.
Do you notice anything familiar and does it lead to further impressions?
Take time to see if more memories or emotions swim to the surface.
Step Two – Listen and Learn

charlotte grimm/flickr
Research and learn how to develop your intuitive abilities.
Make it a point to listen to your inner voice and pay attention to hunches and gut feelings.
Keeping a journal is a great way to keep track of your development.
Try to tune in to things and feel the vibrational energies everywhere you go.
Step Three – Take time to Tune in
Make sure that you have time every day to meditate or at least to be still, in order to contemplate your life and what’s going on around you.
The more you notice and the more you feel and analyze what’s going on, the more likely you will be able to perceive those subtle frequencies and visions.
Step Four – Using Tools
Experiment with tools such as Tarot cards (especially those rich with symbolic imagery, such as the Rider Waite deck), Runes and Psychometry.
Perform a routine retrocognition test in order to check your abilities, like meditating on a toy from your childhood and recording your impressions.
Step Five – Take it up a Notch
Practice trance-work via meditation.
This is easier said than done.
Learn how to focus on relaxing your mind and body.
Lay down and start with flexing and relaxing each muscle – from your toes right up to the top of your head.
Once relaxed, focus on your breathing and clear your mind.
If you can, get someone who is experienced with hypnosis – but make sure they are a trusted practitioner.
Have them regress you – if you don’t feel that you can regress yourself.
Do this by visualizing yourself going back in time, rolling past your birthdays in five year increments.
Once you get to your birth, imagine being in the womb and ask yourself, “Where was I before I was born?”
Maybe you can visualize being in the clouds – before you entered the womb.
Go down through the clouds and explore the area.
Take note of everything you see and hear.
Record your impressions.
When you come out of your trance, write it down or draw a picture.
However you choose to record your impressions, once it’s done – analyze it and ask further questions.
You might even want to gain further insights by using the tools mentioned above or by trying to incubate a dream about what you saw.
One of the most famous retrocognition examples involved Edgar Cayce.
In the following video, you will learn all about this man, who was called the “sleeping prophet” and was famous for discovering many secrets which were later proved to be true, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls and the ancient Christian mystics, called the Essenes.
Remember to have fun and mix it up a bit.
You can use the information in Step Five to explore other’s past lives or history as well as the tools discussed in Step Four.
The past has so much to offer and at least the evidence is there for you to test yourself and your new skills, but don’t get lost in the past as your present and future are just as important.