Woods have always been an ideal location for horror movie scenes—but for the folks of Winter Haven, Florida it may no longer be entertaining.
JPV Woods, a large area of vegetation and foliage in town, has developed a reputation for being haunted, though nobody can seem to figure out why.
Updated 2/10/2020 – Many Native Americans perished where Winter Haven now stands, but that is pre-colonial history, and the hauntings have been recent.
But one resident supernaturalist has come forward, convinced he knows what is causing the paranormal activity.
…And he is absolutely terrified by what he knows.
“The day started out like any other,” Adam began.
“It was summer and I went to meet up with my girlfriend.
My family didn’t care for her or her…progressive appearance, so we always met up at a mutual public place, and on that particular day she wanted to explore the JPV Woods.
By this time she had heard rumors that it was haunted, and she was so excited by the idea,” he said with a sad smile.
“I didn’t protest simply because I thought that rumors were a load of crap, and I knew it would make her happy.
So I led the way through the woods, with my girlfriend following behind me.
We had only been walking for about ten minutes when she told me she wasn’t feeling well all of the sudden.
“I turned to look at her, and I remember thinking that her eyes looked darker than usual.
She said she wanted to keep going, so I turned back around and started walking again,” he shrugged.
“Another few minutes pass by and she calls out that she is getting a strange headache.
I glance back at her, and I see that she looks sickly pale, and that her eyes look even more black than before.
I was started to get concerned, but she was adamant about finishing what we started.
So I trekked on.
“She was quiet for a long time, but I figured everything was alright because I could hear her steps behind me.
’Adam…’ she called out softly.
“And when I turned to look at her, blood was oozing out of her nose.
A Fight for Her Very Soul

via nazapanto/tumblr
“At that point, I was demanding we go back to our cars so she could go to urgent care,” Adam said, running a shaky hand through his hair.
We turned back around, but it seemed like with each passing step she grew more sluggish and more sick.
“She started whispering and grunting under her breath behind me, which just…wasn’t like her.
When she started whimpering, I jerked around to see what was wrong.
And it’s like I wasn’t looking at my girlfriend anymore,” he said, with moist eyes.
“Her eyes had turned completely black, and she was covered in a lot of blood.
But what freaked me out the most was these…pieces of bone that started protruding from her skull, breaking through the skin.
It almost looked like small, deformed, horns.
She turned to look at me, and said something nonsensical before collapsing.
“I could have called for an ambulance but those horns…I decided to contact my family’s church instead.
It’s been three months now, and the Catholic church still believes a demon dwells inside of her,” Adam said, crying.
“They are talking about removing her from Winter Haven and transporting her to the Vatican for an exorcism.”