Griffith Park is located in the Santa Monica Mountains in Los Angeles, California.
The park is absolutely huge, and is a very popular destination among tourists, nature lovers, and photographers.
It’s so big, in fact, that it’s the second largest city park in California.
Some refer to the park as being the “Central Park,” of Los Angeles, but it’s much bigger, untamed, and a lot more rugged than Central Park in New York City.
The Woman in White
Photo credit: tumblr/darkkinetik13
Updated 2/10/2020 – L.A. Locals refer to a woman in white that apparently haunts the grounds of Griffith Park.
She’s wearing a white dress that’s been horribly stained with the dirt and mud.
It’s also been ripped to shreds.
Her black hair is draped across her face, so you can only see the facial features from underneath it.
They say you can feel her staring at you, with hopeless eyes, but you can’t actually see her eyes.
Sometimes, she may be holding a rose, staring at the ground.
Other times, she may be standing silents in the middle of the woods — longing for something, but no one knows what.
They say her pain is deep, and people have described a feeling of immense depression coming over them just before seeing her.
Usually, you’ll only have but a few seconds to see her, before she seemingly blends in with the woods and disappears.
Locals believe that the woman in white is a woman that was murdered on her wedding day.
They say that her and her husband was traveling while on their honeymoon, and stopped near Griffith Park to stretch their legs.
At that point, they were attacked by someone and both killed.
This would explain why her clothes are so dirty, and ripped to shreds.
Maybe she roams the forest searching for her husband; hoping that they will be reunited?
Ghost of a Grieving Mother
Photo credit: flickr/mcalister570
Another popular account of the paranormal around Griffith Park is the story of the grieving mother.
Apparently, this woman was so grief-stricken after the death of her son, that even after she got a psychic reading telling her everything would be ok, she still took to the park with nothing more than a noose in her possession.
She picked out a tree in the middle of the woods, and proceeded to hang herself.
Her pain only lasted a moment in life, but locals believe that her soul has been trapped in the woods of Griffith Park ever since.
They say that you can hear a woman at night calling out for her son, but no one ever answer her pleas.
Some have even said that they’ve been stopped while hiking through the woods by a woman in “old-fashioned clothing,” asking if they’ve seen her son, but when they take their eyes away from her — no matter how brief — she vanishes.
Pain Trapped Within
Photo credit: flickr/mcalister570
“The Woman in White,” isn’t the only account of murder that’s taken place at Griffith Park.
Los Angeles residents say that a young lady was taken in the woods, and buried beneath the dirt while she had a white shirt wrapped around her face in an attempt to mask her screams.
Some psychics and mediums say you can hear her ghostly screams, at dusk, halfway up the Observatory trail.