Have you ever experienced phantom scents and wondered where they came from?
You may have clairscent abilities, where you detect aromas filtering through from the other side.
Sometimes they are signs from the deceased but there are occurrences where the origins are sinister.
Learn how being clairscent can affect you.
– Updated 2/11/2020
Table of Contents
What Does It Mean to Be Clairscent?
Also known as clairsalience, clairolfaction, clairosmesis and clairessence – the skill of clairscentency means to be clear smelling without the use of your nose.
This might sound odd, but the energies or vibrations which your brain perceives as smell are actually odors or fragrances coming from somewhere other than your physical surroundings.
Have you ever noticed, when you think of a favorite relative, time or place – you can perceive the associated scents – such as perfume, cigarette smoke or food?
That’s the art of clairscentency, where your memories are realized through the vibrations and frequencies of the psychic sense of smell, associated with the person, place or event.
How Does It Work?
There are a variety of different ways clairscentency works, depending on the setting.
There are triggered memories, contact with the spirit world, divination and many others, but what they have in common is how we perceive the associated aromas.
Clairscentency is a psychic power that uses scent as the medium for relaying a message.
Clairscentency or clear smelling is often accompanied by clairgustance – the ability to clear taste.
Unlike the physical senses, these psychic skills operate on a spiritual vibration, where the aromas are brought forth from otherworldly realms, spirits, memories and visions.
Everything in the Universe resonates via energy frequencies, including scent.
How Does Clairscentency Affect You?
Depending on the situation, the experience can range from feeling comforted by the scent of mothballs from the memory of your Grandmother’s closet to the feeling of anxiety or fear when confronted with a hideous odor such as sulfur – when in the company of a demonic spirit or evil ghost.
Like the sense of smell in real life, it’s evocative.
When using your imagination in a creative way, you can evoke clairscent abilities through imagining aromas related to your creations.
You are also affected by scents that alert you to danger or through the practice of ritual magic and divination, where you seek to discover the past, present or future – using scents to trigger psychic powers.
How to Develop Clairscent Abilities

charlotte grimm/flickr
You might have already experienced paranormal smells at night, when you were awoken by a strange aroma that could have been evoked through a dream.
The two most important elements associated with developing the ability of clairscentency include differentiating physical and psychic smells, along with honing your intuition and research.
When seeking to make contact with a beloved relative who has crossed over to the other side, light a candle in their honor and meditate on the flame as you think about them.
Think about how they smelled when they hugged you or familiar scents such as their cooking or perfume.
It might be more masculine like leather or cigar smoke.
Associating a memory of a person, an animal or even an event or a particular place, with the help of clairscent abilities can sharpen your memory of them.
In the case of an event, think of a holiday or festival.
Halloween might evoke the aromas of pumpkin spice or apples.
Independence Day might remind you of fireworks or BBQ.
Scents that are personal to you could be included in your psychic skillset, to be used to detect associated things, people, events or places – even when contacting the angels or deities to assist you in your life or your rituals.
People often report the smell of roses when someone has passed away, which is sometimes dismissed as wishful thinking.
In Catholicism, Mother Mary is sometimes called Our Lady of the Roses, due to the detection of the sweet smell of roses when praying to her, or after an exorcism.
When using deities in ritual work, research the associated scents attributed to them.
It could be incense, camphor, fruit or other scents which signify their powers or energies.
Practical Applications
When protecting yourself if you’re going into a dangerous situation, meditate on the scent of something that indicates protection to you – or use something well-known – like the scent of roses as mentioned above. Sandalwood, Frankincense and Myrrh are protective.
Research and practice their evocation before heading out.
This is especially important if you like ghost hunting, in order to ensure that you won’t have an attachment so you won’t bring the negative energies or entities home with you.
If you detect something nasty, it might just be that a dark spirit is in your presence, so be sure to note all your experiences for future reference.
Prepare a smell test so that you can learn about how you react to certain scents.
This requires using your physical sense of smell at first, so that you can note your responses to each smell – which might be different to how others respond.
For example: the scent of orange might be pleasant to some, or horrible to others who have an allergy.
You’ll notice physical reactions to certain scents when using your clairscent skills and your intuition will hone itself to a degree where you’ll be able to ascertain what is going on or who is trying to make contact with you, according to the aroma coming through.
When practicing your clairscent abilities, you might encounter strange smells that are hard to articulate, at first.
The smell of ozone after the rain or at the beach might stump you, or the scent of gasoline might confuse you – until you conduct some research.
Remember to keep practicing and keep a journal to record and catalog your progress.