Do you have psychic skills, and wonder how to develop your medium abilities?
There’s more to channeling and speaking with spirit than just asking questions into thin air.
Whether you’re conducting a session at home or venturing out to investigate a haunting, it makes sense to ensure that you have all contingencies covered.
– Updated 2/11/2020
Table of Contents
How to Develop Your Medium Abilities
Before we begin…
One of the most important things to remember when setting out to become a medium is to protect yourself.
Before each session, conduct a basic ritual using white candles, anointing yourself with Sandalwood oil and advising the spirit world that you will not be open to negative entities – unless you are.
It’s important to trust your instincts, and to do what feels right.
With that general rule of thumb, you can avoid most potential issues.
Don’t go it alone!
Whether you’re channeling a spirit or trying to make contact with someone from the other side, it’s probably a good idea to have a friend work with you, to ensure your safety but also to help with the interpretations or analysis.
It makes sense to have a second opinion in case you’re not sure.
You might have a spirit guide or deity you feel a strong alliance with.
Ask them to assist and protect you during your session and stop whenever you feel that something’s not right.
Ring a little bell to attract higher vibrations.
Trust your intuition and follow these steps to learn how to develop your medium abilities.
The 10 Steps To Grow Your Mediumship Abilities
1) Prepare…
By learning how to meditate and how to be still.
Channeling and receiving messages from beyond requires a sense of control and the ability to clear your mind in order to make sure that your session is uncluttered by internal static and external distractions.
Good preparation also means ensuring that you are protected – physically and spiritually.
Whether you decide to work with a spirit guide, a friend or on your own, it’s important to keep your wits about you and conduct a cleansing before you proceed.
2) Listen…
By learning how to pay attention and watch for anything that seems out of the ordinary.
It’s important to tune in without any distractions, such as music or the TV in the background.
It’s also important to understand how you respond to fear, in case you’re easily frightened.
Develop your senses and get to know yourself.
Understanding your own body and any illnesses that might affect what you see, hear, sense etc. will go a long way in making sure that you’re not infecting the session with external influences.
Take note of any impressions, sounds, emotions, and so forth.
3) Research…
How to teach yourself about symbolism and other forms of mystical folklore.
If you are conducting an investigation, make sure that you seek the relevant permissions from the owner of the building, or whatever you are.
For the most part, leave research about the particular entities or history of the building until after.
Having said that, you must ensure that you are protected from any attachment.
Don’t leave yourself open to any nasty energies or situations.
After your session or investigation, research any facts behind the scenes and learn about the details pertaining to the situation and compare notes.
4) Differentiate…
Between your own internal dialogue and external phenomena.
Sometimes our own imperatives and motivations can influence what we think we’re hearing.
Understanding yourself and your own psychology can help to make sure that you’re not using an overactive imagination.
When you’re conducting a session, learn how to analyze incoming information on the spot.
Is it just a distant police siren, a wild animal in the walls or a TV in another room?
On the other hand, accept what you hear or see, even if it’s bizarre.
Try to think outside the box and analyze appropriately.
5) Engage…
By using relevant trigger items.
After researching a little about the target, building, spirit etc., use associated items that might invoke possible interaction or responses to your questions.
Also, talk out loud or think about anything that might link you with the target, etc.
Taking on the role of a caring observer or even an ally might help build a closer experience or a tighter bond, but don’t forget to protect yourself from an unwanted attachment.
It’s one thing to bring forth a spirit for an engaging interaction and quite another to be haunted or stalked by a ghost.
6) Respond…
By talking out loud, asking questions, interacting and engaging.
Once you hear or sense a spirit or entity, whether talking through you or to you, make sure you respond appropriately by using respect and empathy.
If you don’t understand the message, ask for clarity.
Don’t force an interaction by threatening or provoking.
This is a popular method among ghost hunting groups, but you don’t want an angry spirit or negative energies seeking revenge or putting you in danger.
Be firm but also be polite, remembering the golden rule of treating others fairly.
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7) Trust…
Your instincts.
If you think you can’t handle the situation, leave.
Along with preparing and cleansing yourself, it’s important to remember to protect yourself.
You can do a variety of things, such as wearing a pentagram or crucifix, carrying protective gemstones or conducting a ritual.
Also, trust what you hear.
As mentioned earlier, you may not understand what is being relayed.
It might not dawn on you until later, but always ask for clarification when necessary.
Allowing yourself to be full of doubt might frighten away the spirits, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use proper judgment.
8) Test…
Yourself by conducting experiments by yourself and with others.
Meditate in front of a mirror or sit in front of a trusted friend and go into a trance.
You can do this anywhere, which is a good way to train yourself to be open – when you “open the channel” and feel inspired to do so.
Try to find a place where you might’ve noticed strong spiritual energies.
Once prepared and ready, notice any impressions, messages or sensations.
Afterwards, conduct some research and see how accurate your reading or session was. Note anything you might do differently later.
9) Record…
Your findings, outcomes and feedback.
If doing a session for someone who wants you to contact their deceased relative, take note of their feedback and encourage them to be honest.
In order to make sure that you are properly honing your skills, you need to know that you’re on the right track.
Keep a journal especially for your sessions and use it like a diary.
Note anything of interest such as sensations or feelings you had, any messages – no matter how bizarre.
Even if you think it was a dead loss, you might be surprised weeks, months or years later, when things make sense or fall into place.
10) Beware…
Of greed guiding your outcomes and don’t cheapen your efforts by self-aggrandizement.
If you are compelled to use your newfound skills to make a little cash, try and at least donate a portion to a group associated with your field – or maybe even a nursing home or hospital.
It has been said that those mediums who offer their skills and services for free are more likely to be the real deal.
Start off doing it for free and test yourself while you amass a history and reputation.
You’ll find it more rewarding when you use your skills for altruistic reasons, rather than making a profit.
Further Learning
The following video is about discovering and developing your medium sensitivities and learning how to connect with the spirit realm.
It includes guided exercises, taken from the book “You Are A Medium.”
Remember – always be respectful, keep your wits about you and practice!
Also, remember that not everybody starts in the same place.
Some may have to work harder to develop their skills, whereas others will be born slightly further ahead before they even start to practice.